Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So what if I'm tender-hearted?

My friend, Dustin, forwarded this to me today. What a great story and a great video. I'll even admit, it made me want to cry...but I didn't.

I don't know why but it made me think of my kids and how they react when I come home at the end of the day. I'm really blessed with the family I have and really thank God for them. Sure, there are times when I'm frustrated by them, but in the end, I don't know what I'd do without them.

Even though they are only 11 and 6 (well, almost 12 & 7), Andrew is already talking about learning to drive and getting his first car and preparing for college. Amber is talking about getting Andrew's room when he moves out. My gosh! She's only going to be in the first grade. I didn't have such conversations until I was in high school.

Last night, I admit, I feel a little bad about. I had come home after working a couple hours late and set down to eat dinner. Everyone had already eaten and the kids were ready to play before bedtime. All during my dinner, they were trying to show me the magic tricks they had been working on. (Basically, hiding in a big box that Andrew's Kanakuk trunk arrived in and pushing items through a hold they had cut in it for a flashlight when they use it for a clubhouse.) They wanted to show me over and over and over again. I should have been thrilled that they were playing so well together and wanted to share their achievements with me. But I just wanted to relax and enjoy my dinner. Finally, after several repeat performances, I asked them to either go downstairs or outside so I could feed my face and purge my day onto Sara. And I don't think it came out that nice.

The four of us went for a walk after I finished eating, but that just irritated me more because my numb left foot (it's been over a year now!) was acting up so I limped through a 3 mile walk. At the end of it all, I was hot, my foot was sore, and I just wanted to get to my basement that is at least 15 degrees cooler and mess around on my acoustic guitar.

I won't say that I was a bad dad but I was feeling very human and I'm afraid that "humanity" was shared too generously with the rest of those in the house.

But, this morning, as I was getting ready to head to work, both of the kids gave me a hug without me asking for one...much like the lion in the video.

Being loved is wonderful. Being forgiven is even better.

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