Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friend from VC

Here's another fabulous piece of artwork from Amber. This is her first compisition as a first grade student. A short explanation of the piece is provided by the artist below the picture. she got the VC on there backwards, but still, it's a pretty good picture.

This is actually a Squiggle Art project. What that means is, the kids are given a blank piece of paper except for a small "squiggle" on the page. In this instance, it's the V in the v-neck shirt. Then the kids draw a picture centered around that. It's a great exercise in imagination, which Amber has an over-abundance of.

She says, "This was my best picture that I ever made in my whole life and I really like it. This person was looking at another person. I made his red hair pointy cause it matched the squiggle on the page...I think that's all. It's like a picture with his arms down by his sides or like in his pockets. His name is Crazy Hair."

So there you have it.


@nnie said...

You are so good to take the time to blog this. It's the kind of thing that could easily get thrown in the trash or stuck in a big pile of stuff. It is so precious to see how their little brains think. Very creative!!!

Mike said...

Thanks, Annie! I'm hoping this blog will be a scrapbook of sorts. Normally, as in years past, this would have ended up in her box of stuff from the school year only to be forgotten until she goes through it in 20 years. But, you're right, I'm fascinated at what the kids come up with each day. Thanks for your kind words! Hope you guys are doing well.