Monday, May 18, 2009

Less of Me

I hate step one. It's sooo far from where I want to be. But, I realize it's an important step in moving me in the right direction. I still hate it, though.

Many months ago, when I learned that my brother was going to get married, I thought that it would be a wonderful time to lose this weight I've been carrying around. He got married a couple of weeks ago. Did I lose weight? No. Well, not yet. I know I'm overweight. I don't like it. I hate it! I can't even sit comfortably in a booth when we go out to eat. Everyone likes to sit in a booth but I have to deprive my family of that joy and settle for a table. Good Lord, how did this happen? I used to be a non-stop bangin' stud! That guy still exists underneath this protective layer of goo. And, I'm going to expose him again.

When I was 38, I adopted a "Fit by 40" mindset. It was to consist of not only losing weight, but also becoming fit in other areas of my life. My faith, the way I drive, the way I interact with people, etc. All in all, it was my goal to become a better person. Not that I'm a bad person, but sometimes we can behave the worst toward the people we love the most, including ourselves.

Well, here I am, almost half-way through 40 and I haven't changed a thing. So I'm modifying that mindset to read "Fit at 40" with a sub-title of "Less of Me". If I'm less indulgent and become more disciplined in the way I eat, the way I exercise, the way I use my time and become a good steward of these things that God has given me, I can achieve a healthier body, a healthier mind and a healthier spirit. I'll be a better husband, a better dad, a better friend, a better employee...a better me.

I don't know why, but this is intimidating for me. Scary. I will fight to not make excuses. So, here I go.

1 comment:

Being Robinson said...

It is scary! I realized yesterday that being frustrated with my running is my fault because I haven't been as dedicated as I should. And I realized if I had been as dedicated as I should have I could be the runner I want. But it's hard... I think everyone struggles with this, maybe in different areas, but the same struggle! So I'm there with ya for now. Because I decided to really buckle down and work hard for what I want this summer.... I too will fight not to make excuses. :) So thanks for this post!